You’re invited to our workplace wellbeing networking event.

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Copyright © 2022. All rights reserved

Join us for Breakfast at Otherworld VR on Buckingham Palace Road, London. This experience is all about building meaningful relationships with peers and professionals in the world of wellbeing. The Dialogue team will be on hand and look forward to meeting you personally too.

You can also choose to experience the immersion pod technology from Otherworld VR which features wind, heat and rumble so your body will feel everything as your mind explores. 

Date:         Tuesday 7th November 2023

Time:        8.30am – 10.30am 

Location:  Otherworld VR
                   85 Buckingham Palace Road
                   London, SW1W 0QJ


8.30 - 9.00 Breakfast and networking - The opportunity to meet like minded professionals and enjoy a healthy breakfast.

9.00 - 9.10 
Elevating employee wellbeing with Dialogue - An understanding of Dialogue’s success in North America before going global and how Dialogue can be an instrumental part of wellbeing initiatives, not just another “wellbeing programme”.

9.10 - 9.20 
Real world insights in workplace wellbeing – a HR perspective Insights from our series of HR led roundtable discussions over the last 12 months.

9.20 - 9.30 
Mastering multigenerational workplaces - Strategies to bridge generational gaps and create a more cohesive workplace.

9.30 - 9.45 
Q & A and close - Opportunity for you to pose your own questions to us.

9.45 - 10.30 
Networking and chance to experience VR! - Continue conversations with your peers and or take advantage of the opportunity to experience Otherworld VR’s immersion pod technology – which features wind, heat and rumble… giving your body the chance to feel everything as your mind explores.

Spaces are limited, register to secure your place.

This event is by invitation only and non transferable.

Questions? Please contact